7 Steps To Create Your Best Email Follow Up Sequence

First of all, to do this, you need a way to capture email addresses. On a lead capture page. This is where you want to send your traffic.

I suggest putting a video on your lead capture page. You don’t have to, but people are more likely to watch a video (even out of curiosity) than to read a pitch (unless you make it short and to the point)

To capture your email addresses, you will want to have an autoresponder or email service provider.

Got those? Groovy!

In the world of online marketing, people are going to be hesistant to buy from you the first time you put your offer in front of them. Because they want to get to know you. If they like what you’re about, what you’re doing, who you are, and most importantly, what you have to offer, you will build a rapport with them.

Depending on this rapport you build with your subscribers, you’ll gain their trust. Which takes time. Which is why you’re going to follow up with them.

And this isn’t all about constantly pitching your offer to them. They’ll unsubscribe if you’re constantly in their face trying to get them to buy from you.

To gain their interest in YOU and your offers, you are going to provide value.
The value you will give to them, for free, is your attraction marketing.

The reason I say this is because you want them to come to you.
You want to impress them with what you’re willing to give them for free.

I’m not saying to give them EVERYTHING for free,
give just enough that they’ll appreciate what you’re offering for free.

(I’m going to talk about the freemium model in another post)

When you generate a lead, you know they opted in because they are interested, or merely curious. (Which is still a good thing). You know they WANT to know what you’re about, who you are, what you do, what you have etc.

What you will want to do is make this as simple as possible so that you have less work to do. You’re going to AUTOMATE this process so that it happens automatically. (Or automagically).

This is when you set it up once, and it keep running for you. Without you having to keep chasing down your leads, emailing them individually or any of that time and soul sucking stuff. That’s what these email services are for.

One thing I HAVE TO stress (that is very important) is that you must update these series.
WHY? Because your follow up sequence is doing the selling for you, just as much OR more than any pages of your website. Especially if you’re just using email marketing and not using a site of any kind. Which can be done, but it’s highly recommended to have pages to send your subscribers to via your emails.

So what do you want your follow up sequence to do for you?

1) Direct your subscribers to your website
2) Help you build a relationship with your subscribers
3) Create and nurture your qualified leads (subscribers who are interested)
4) Drive conversions
5) Contribute to customer satisfaction
6) Save you lots of time (due to being automated)

Let’s cut to the chase with these 7 steps:

Step 1) Get a fresh start

Start from scratch with a new perspective
(From the perspective of your leads)

Step 2) Decide on your destination

You’ll actuallly want two sequences. One for your leads and one for your customers.
Why? Because their focus shifts after they’ve already purchased from you.
They are no longer the skeptical ‘potential customer’ and don’t need futher convincing.
Also, you can give special bonus content ONLY to your customers. 

Step 3) Know what you will do along the way

There are 25 things you can do with your follow up sequence which I will write about in another post.
Step 4) Know how to get there

Once you know what your goals are with your follow up sequence you can decide how you will get there.

I will achieve (the goal) by… (doing this)
Step 5) Map it out

Write out a rough draft. You will have false starts, rough ideas, etc. This is what you will want at this stage. Your general ideas connected to methods you will use.
Step 6) Make a plan

Create your plan based on your draft. If you have several drafts, you can combine them to create your plan.

Step 7) Learn from what you have already done 

Reflect on what you have already done and what you have learned from what you have already done. Nothing and nobody will be perfect. You are gaining experience as you are learning and you are learning from the experience you are gaining.

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